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Workshop with Arto Fama

Freifechter Basel are hosting a day long workshop with Arto Fama a world renowned fencer and teacher. The contents of the workshop will be focussing on basic movement structure with particular regards to the passing step, as well as the bind and how it can be maintained and used to counter disengagements such as Umschlagen and Durchwechseln. The workshop is geared towards both beginners and advanced fencers who have an interest in the German Longsword lineage. 


When: 10th of July, 2022, 10:00 -16:00

Where: Schulhaus Sandgruben, Schwartzwaldallee 16 , 4058 Basel

Participation: Participation Fee is 50.- CHF, 30.-CHF for Club members

Equipment Requirements: Mask, Fencing Gloves, Plastron, Gorget, Feder or blunted Longsword 

Optional Equipment: Full Sparring Kit.


Registration under:

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Basilisk Challenge

The Basilisk Challenge is a Longsword Tournament aimed at fencers who don't have much or any experience in tournament fencing. The judging and coaching is done by experienced judges and veteran fencers in order to provide a fair and high quality tournament. 


Date: 30th of April 2022

Location: Turnhalle Drei Rosen Schule, Breisacherstrasse 134, 4057 Basel

Sign up between 8:00 - 8:30 a.m.

Entry fee: 30.- CHF.


Registration with your full name, club affiliation, list of previously attended tournaments, questions and remarks are to be sent to



Our Sponsors:

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Swiss HEMA Openness and Safety Commission 


© 2021 Freifechter Basel

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